Sure Ways to Weight Loss!

SURE WAYS TO WEIGHT LOSS! (Continuation – Day 2)

Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Sutra 137, Chapter 3, Verse 31 kantha kupe kshutpipasa nivrittih

“Today I am continuing on sure ways to weight loss! I want to give you the jist of yesterday’s samyama if you are tuning in today.
Understand, doing samyama means intensely feeling connected in the throat chakra, vishuddhi chakra to go beyond the hunger & thirst.

  • 1st the pseudo hunger & thirst sensations and signals stop. So you stop junking and you start eating.
  • 2nd step when the samyama becomes deeper on the vishuddhi chakra even the necessity of food intake – quantity will reduce.

In 1st step 25% of food intake will reduce. With 2nd step another 25% will drop. Then 3rd step, as the samyama deepens you will no more have necessity to take any food or water.
I will teach the 1st two steps first. The whole humanity is suffering with these 2 – eating too much and eating unnecessarily. So I have some scientific researches here about this subject. The amount of energy needed for us everyday is determined by how much ATP our mitochondria can create.

Please understand thyroid activity is an important word – again & again Patanjali is insisting on throat chakra which is the vishuddhi chakra and scientific research also says that thyroid is directly connected to the throat. As the age increases the number of mitochondria cells die. One easy way to reverse this is by exercising. But by this, only 40% of your mitochondria energy will increase. But with levitation, 1300% increase has been recorded.

Intense Energy Field at Patanjali Shrine

In our Bidadi Ashram in the south west corner of the banyan tree where there is a Patanjali shrine – there I am creating an intense energy field in that area, something like a 100 sq feet, so that whoever comes and sits there they will have levitation!
We will install Patanjali’s murthi there in his pure form of aadi sesha – 1000 hood snake. I am planting siddha herbs and yantras with proper praana pratishta. So if you come there, you will experience the Kundalini raising and levitation.

Greed not Hunger

I will connect how the thyroid activity is balanced, the ATP increases and weight loss happens through Patanjali’s samyama. Understand, throat chakra is the main source of energy for thyroid. Thyroid is activated and controlled by the throat chakra.
When you do samyama on the throat chakra the whole thyroid activity will be balanced. The 1st thing that will happen is you will start receiving the hunger & thirst signals from the throat instead of stomach. If you receive it from stomach it means it is pure greed not hunger. It means you are greedy and want to store food in advance.  Only when you receive it from the throat you are a human.
Animals can have fear or greed for food because the regular supply of their food is not ensured. So they can get signal from navel. Nothing wrong. Their food eating habit can be based on fear & greed. But I want to remind you that you are not an animal. So let your foot eating habits not be based on navel. Let it be based on throat. Only then you are human being.

Next, even in human being level you don’t need so much food. You need only 1/5th of the earth part. There are 5 parts – sky, space, air, fire, water & earth. Understand it is time human beings realize you don’t need to fill yourself all 5 parts with food. Contribute only to earth & water. Other 3 are directly taken from the nature.
The 3rd is completely  being independent of food – anna vimukta. It means you don’t need food to run your life. Once in a while you can grace food. Nothing wrong.

Samyama on Throat Center

Understand intense samyama on this area, the throat center. Have maybe a rudraksha or rudraksha connected with sandal beads. Lie down, put this on your throat and visualize the intense fire. Please understand throat – vishuddhi is a male chakra. Ajna is female chakra – arrogance & ego is female energy.
So visualize intense fire – sun in the throat chakra. Wear a rudraksha with sandal wood mala or close neck mala with one rudraksha and sandal wood beads. You have to lie down, by sitting this samyama will not create a strong effect on your body. or completely relax in a chair where your head is resting. Your head and neck should not be possessed by you. You should relax and let go of your head.
For samyama your awareness is required but you should not control that part. These are basic laws of samyama. Any part you want to do samyama, you should just be aware and not have control on it.
So put the rudraksha and sandal wood mala and if you don’t have, apply sandal wood paste on you, lie down and intensely visualize sun – burning fire. You can also see Youtube clips of burning sun and you will know how to visualize. The intensity of the visualization will determine how the samyama works on you.
Also if you are doing Chandra samyama, you can do this in the day time. You need not sit under open sky in this. You can sit in your room and visualize. The cool sandal paste you apply should become dry & dark and it should just fall, just drop by your visualization. Then suddenly you will see the whole body runs intensely with the nature’s energy. Running by the nature energy means you will be running by proper fuel and there will not be air pollution or any other pollution by you.

Non-mechanical Parts of Brain

The truths you will listen from your master – your non-mechanical parts of your body will just click with you! When you are in the intense presence of the master, any truth he reveals, your non-mechanical parts of your brain are completely open and you are ready to receive even matter. The power of the presence landing on your system. Understand you are in a presence where even dead matter obeys. Then simply your brain will imbibe this truth.

This samyama on the throat

  • 1st thing will remove unnecessary signals sent by your body for hunger & thirst – that itself will cut down 50% of your intake. And
  • 2nd your need for food and thrist will go down by another 25%.

So if you do samyama on this throat chakra for 21 days you will lose this for at least 75% and you will have proper weight loss. This method is a sure way.
1st problem is that the wrong signal has to be changed. 2nd reducing even the necessary intake. 3rd automatically your body will stop taking food and liquids. Understand, without doing this samyama, if you reduce food intake you will be tired. The energy source will not be food anymore, it will be the inner space. Instead of receiving energy for your body from food, you will receive it from your kundalini energy.
The chakras like Vishuddhi & Ajna will quickly awaken. Do this samyama and get back. Tomorrow I will continue the deeper parts of this samyama. In this Inner Awakening I will add one more unique feature – weight loss, weight balancing guaranteed! I will challenge anyone with over weight, I guarantee proper BMI in you. we will do the perfect weight loss program in this Inner Awakening. Blessings!”

Discourse on Patanjali Yoga Sutras given on March 24, 2011 by Living Enlightened Master, Paramahamsa Nithyananda.

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